Feel Better Fast With Natural Remedies

Help! Environmental Allergies



Spring is the season prized for lovely new “blooms”, but as many of us have noticed, ALLERGIES roll in during our Spring Season in Florida. Allergy sufferers are bothered by sinus or tension headaches, body aches, excessive mucous, sneezing and tearing or swelling eyes. The unfortunate truth is: Allergies aren’t curable, we can only work towards lessening symptoms. The mechanism underlying an environmentally instigated allergic response is the immune system.



Treat Your Symptoms



Taking natural herbal remedies is the best way to get rid of your allergy symptoms. Keep in mind that MANY supplements are misbranded—shoppers must be very intentional—you should buy supplements only from a trusted source. We recommend the quality supplements obtained from trained herbalists, or a doctor that you trust.



Distance Yourself from Pollen- Dust- or Mold



I’ve trained  patients to stay away from the natural substances and chemical entities each person is sensitized to.  Patients who are allergic to pollen should dwell indoors during the peak pollen dissemination intervals [8 am – 12 pm and 5:00pm – 9:00pm].  Humidity is also a factor to contemplate as an allergy-sufferer plans out his/her nature tours.  The general rule of thumb is to expect higher pollen counts on hot , dry and windy days.



Cook with Ginger


Ginger is a natural antihistamine and decongestant. It will provide you with relief from allergy symptoms by helping to open up your bronchial tubes.

Also eating apples, carrots, red onions, black tea and collard greens will also help your food fight off allergens.





Lobelia inflata is an herb that is used to treat asthma, allergies, whooping cough, congestion, and bronchitis. In the past, this useful herb had some utility for tobacco withdrawal, and to assist smokers in their pledge to stop smoking.




How we can help you at The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland:




The image above is a high resolution infrared image of a client’s head who suffers from environmental allergies. The red and white HOT areas of the image represent INFLAMMATION. As you can see the client imaged has inflammation around her eyes, and in her sinus cavities. She also has some inflammation in her neck where her lymphatic system is. This is an indicator that her body is having an immune response to her allergens. Thermography is an innovative medical discovery tool. We are able to see if there are areas in your body that need extra support to prevent disease and illness. If we see signs that your immune system is struggling in certain areas of your body, we can help you treat the issue. Then in the future, we can repeat a thermal scan in the area of interest to make sure you are on the mend.



Allergy testing

Since it is in your best interest to stay away and defend yourself from your allergens, taking an allergy test is a great first step. We offer a simple and inexpensive in office blood test that will not only tell you what you are allergic to, but also how severe your allergy is.



Natural Allergy Supplements:




Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (often short handed: PUFAs) –

have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. People who have food allergies benefit preferentially from Omega 3 supplements, as Fish Oil and various purified PUFA capsules are superb for controlling intestinal allergies.

RIF – Resolve Internal Fire –

A proprietary blend of herbs, with Curcumin as its primary ingredient.  Curcumins are plant derived and cleanly extracted from a turmeric rhizome plant.  This herbal blend also features licorice root.  The herbal acts as a POTENT anti-inflammatory.  As allergic symptoms have genesis from inflamed mucous membranes—this blended herb will help!



Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine Holistic Homeopathic Eastern Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County Integrated Integrative Approach Dr Catherine OnuohaFunctional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of people today. The traditional focus of medicine is disease-centered focus of medical practice where Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of vitality and health  for each individual.

  • Functional Medicine enables physicians and other health professionals to practice proactive, predictive, personalized medicine and empowers patients to take an active role in their own health.
  • Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.
  • Functional Medicine offers a powerful new operating system and clinical model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to replace the outdated and ineffective acute-care models carried forward from the 20th century.

How Functional Medicine Heals a Key Health Care Gap

Today’s health care system is in trouble because it applies a medical management model that works well for acute health problems to chronic health problems, where it is much less successful. If you have a heart attack, accident or sudden lung infection such as pneumonia, you certainly want a quick-thinking doctor to use all the quick-acting resources of modern medicine, such as life-saving technology, surgery and antibiotics. Jumping in with drugs, surgery and other acute care treatments too often does not succeed in helping those with chronic, debilitating ailments, such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis. Another approach is needed.

The Two-Pronged Healing Approach of Functional Medicine

To battle chronic health conditions, Functional Medicine uses two scientifically grounded principles:

  1. Add what’s lacking in the body to nudge its physiology back to a state of optimal functioning.
  2. Remove anything that impedes the body from moving toward this optimal state of physiology.

Plainly put, your body naturally wants to be healthy. But things needed by the body to function at its best might be missing, or something might be standing in the way of its best functioning. Functional Medicine first identifies the factors responsible for the malfunctioning. Then it deals with those factors in a way appropriate to the patient’s particular situation. Very often Functional Medicine practitioners use advanced laboratory testing to identify the root cause or causes of the patient’s health problem. Old-fashioned medical diagnosis helps too, in the form of listening carefully to the patient’s history of symptoms and asking questions about his or her activities and lifestyle. For treatment, Functional Medicine practitioners use a combination of natural agents (supplements, herbs, nutraceuticals and homeopathics), nutritional and lifestyle changes, spiritual/emotional counseling, and pharmaceuticals, if necessary to prod a patient’s physiology back to an optimal state. In addition, educating the patient about their condition empowers them to take charge of their own health, ultimately leading to greater success in treatment.

Treating Symptoms Versus Treating the Person

In the dominant health care model today, medication is used to get rid of people’s symptoms. If the patient stops taking the medication, symptoms generally return. Functional Medicine approaches health problems differently. Instead of masking the problem, it aims at restoring the body’s natural functioning. Although Functional Medicine practitioners may prescribe pharmaceuticals, they are used to gently nudge the patient’s physiology in a positive direction so the patient will no longer need them. For example, conventional doctors would normally prescribe pharmaceuticals like Prilosec, Prevacid or Aciphex to treat acid reflux or heartburn. When the patient stops taking such drugs, the heartburn symptoms come back. In contrast, a Functional Medicine practitioner might find that a patient’s acid reflux is caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Eradicating the Helicobacter pylori might very well lead to the end of heartburn symptoms, permanently. It’s also important to note that in Functional Medicine, treatment for similar symptoms might vary tremendously for different patients, according to their medical history and results of laboratory tests. Factors that can come into play in producing the same symptoms include toxic chemicals, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, chronic viral pathogens, emotional poisons like anger, greed or envy, and structural factors such as tumors or cysts.

The Roots of Functional Medicine

Sir William Osler Functional Medicine Pioneer Homeopathic Holistic Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County Alternative Approach Dr Catherine Onuoha

Sir William Osler Functional Medicine Pioneer

You may be surprised to learn that Functional Medicine isn’t new. It actually represents a return to the roots of modern scientific medicine, captured in this statement by Sir William Osler, one of the first professors at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and later its Physician-in-Chief: “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” Another important saying by Osler is “If you listen carefully to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis.” This encapsulates the importance placed in Functional Medicine on taking a thorough history from the patient.

Your Experience of Functional Medicine

We have titled this web site, “Your Medical Detective,” because patients often feel their Functional Medicine practitioner is leaving no stone unturned in their relentless research to pinpoint the causes of a particular patient’s symptoms. When you consult a Functional Medicine practitioner, the first step is always your history. Practitioners are trained on how to unravel and make sense of a complicated story. Often clues in the story lead to the identification of key imbalances. The next set of clues comes from a comprehensive physical examination, which includes many nearly forgotten examination procedures used by famous diagnosticians (both living and long gone), such as chapman reflex points, ankle brachial reflex and nail inspection. The final set of clues comes from advanced laboratory testing. Innovative, cutting-edge lab tests help the practitioner look deeply into a patient’s physiology to identify how it has been compromised and how physiological balance can be restored. After diagnosis and treatment, a Functional Medicine patient can expect his or her symptoms to diminish in severity, with a renewed sense of well-being and significant increase in health and vitality. While there is no substitute for face-to-face treatment from a trained Functional Medicine practitioner, this site educates you on the Functional Medicine perspective and on the kinds of clues and treatments that may be key to restoring you to optimal health.

A Little Each Day…

Dear Friends,   Pheww.. these last few years have been a lot to manage. Between trying to stay healthy, supply shortages and just a whole lot of drama, we have all had a lot on our plates! Here at the Natural Medicine Center we want to encourage our community members and patients to stay positive. […]

Thermography after COVID

  Darla Fleche, has been a clinical thermographer at Natural Medicine Center since 2015. Darla reports that in her practice, she is seeing a lot of patients who have recovered from COVID but now have new health challenges that have emerged after their infections.   ‘COVID seems to affect everyone a little differently. Some examples […]

Emergency Ready!

Prepare for an EMERGENCY now     Dr. Catherine is passionate about being ready for any curveballs 2022 might throw our way! Watch the video below for more information!       Dr. Catherine recommends getting a ‘bug out bag’ ready for emergency evacuation… ———————————————————————- https://www.thebugoutbagguide.com/bug-out-bag-list/   ————————————————————   News outlets are projecting supply chain […]

Wellness with Epigenetics

Unlock your CodeExpress your Limitless State of Wellness with Epigenetics Have you have tried different strategies to change your state of health, they have worked for other people but not for you? Are you still looking for answers in regards to your health and wellness? Do you want to take your wellness to the next level? Do you […]

4 DIY ways to keep your lymph clean

Drink plenty of water Clean eating Dry Brushing Exercise 1.  Drink Plenty of Water 8 Glasses per day? How much water should we drink per day? Between 7-11 glass per day.  2. Clean Eating At The Natural Medicine Center we believe that the right diet is very unique to each person. We recommend different diets […]

Avoid Getting Leaky Gut

      Gut health and avoiding a leaky gut is not only important for those of us with digestive issues but is important for all of us! The continuity and strength of our gastrointestinal (GI) membrane barrier is vital for immunologic functioning. The layered GI barrier system also permits our gut lumen spaces to […]

Chronic Pain Hormone Therapy Acupuncture Massage Holistic Healthcare Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Chronic Pain – Getting a Grip on Pain

Understanding Your Pain

When pain occurs it is showing you that somewhere in your body a problem has surfaced. People shrug pain off everyday thinking it will work its way out, but that may not be the case.  You might need to seek professional help to correct and maintain the problem.

There are two types of pain:

Acute Pain 

This pain warns you that you’ve been injured.  It is new to the body and can be caused by a sprain, cut, broken bone etc. The pain can be mild to severe and will usually subside with healing.

Chronic Pain

This pain is different and can last weeks, months or even years.  It sometimes comes and goes and might be accompanied by insomnia, exhaustion, even weight change and can last up to six months or more.  Many look to prescription painkillers to alienate the symptoms.  Taking Western Medication seems like the right thing to do.  After all, we are bombarded with pharmaceutical advertisements that seem to have a patent on our entire body.  They often come with side effects and can have issues if taking it with other prescriptions.

At Natural Medicine Center we can help with homeopathic options that you may leverage along with the prescriptions with little to no chance of additional side effects.  Thinking that it will just go away is a common mistake.  The cause of pain can be complex and often require a multi-approach that might include:

Our goal is to assist you to become healthy naturally and hopefully wean off  pharmaceuticals where possible.  Quite often painkillers will only mask the cause of the problem by reducing the amount of pain.  Doesn’t it make more sense to find the true cause of the pain and treat it directly?

Natural Medicine Center is uniquely equipped to help determine and treat your symptoms of chronic pain.   Please schedule an appointment with one our doctors today and we will help you get the energy back in your life!

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine – The New Medical Model

The Homeopathic Medicine Model is a departure from the “push a pharmaceutical pill” drug-based approach of contemporary Western conventional medicine.  The Homeopathic Medicine approach treats the whole patient and utilizes natural herbs, plants and remedies along with lifestyle and diet / nutritional changes to enable optimal health.

Based on new discoveries, it addresses the primary causes of illness rather than treating symptoms alone. The New Medical Model also focuses on restoring the body’s own innate healing mechanisms to naturally restore immune function, detoxification capacity, and mind-body communication for enhanced mood, cognition, and well-being.

Homeopathic Medicine

Modern homeopathy, which could also be described in part as micro-dose pharmacology, can have a significantly positive impact on reprogramming the neuro-immune-endocrine axis that in large part is responsible for regulating mood, emotions, detoxification capacity, and our health in general.Homeopathic Medicine Herbs Holistics Herbal Alternative Nature Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

 Homeopathic micro doses of cytokines, hormones, and neurotransmitters, at the same concentrations as found in the cell, and specific homeopathic remedies, can be used to balance the function of the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems without the side effects associated with stronger drugs.

Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine that takes advantage of water’s capacity to store information. Our bodies are roughly seventy percent water and that water acts as a communication medium as well as a source of hydration. The information that water stores is in the form of resonant frequencies, or vibrations that serve as a form of cellular communication. While our bodies communicate with nerve signals and chemical messengers, the most efficient form of communication in the body is energetic, or frequency based. Stress, toxicity, and trauma have a way of interfering with and deregulating normal frequency based communication resulting in symptoms, loss of normal mind-body functioning, and if not addressed in a timely fashion, ultimately disease states.

With homeopathy, new frequency based information can be introduced to the body through the use of appropriate remedies. The restorative frequencies that are carried in the remedies support cellular communication in returning to normal. As balance is restored on a cellular level, symptoms generated during the imbalanced state begin the process of resolution.

Why Choose the Homeopathic Medicine Approach

  • 100% NaturalHomeopathic Medicine Herbal Bottle Healing Holistic Health Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida
  • No drug interactions
  • Non-habit forming
  • They can be taken by nearly anyone at any time, from children to adults.
  • Effective for Acute and Chronic Illness
  • High margin of safety
  • No side effects
  • Inexpensive
People are turning to natural homeopathic medicine remedies for common ailments.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prescription drugs are killing more people than illicit drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. In fact, every 14 minutes a person dies from prescription drug overdose. This equates to more than 35,000 deaths (2011 data) each year and is actually more than homicides, suicides and car crashes.

Mercola.com, a natural health website, and even the London Guardian call this phenomenon “Pharmageddon” because it appears that medicines and medicine produce more ill-health than health.

In a world where most of the chronic diseases are caused by a lack of physical exercise, poor diet, toxic food ingredients and nutritional deficiencies, prevention could very well be the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of healing that uses remedies made with very small amounts of natural substances from the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms to stimulate the body’s ability to heal.

While Classical homeopathic medicine assists the individual one ingredient (remedy) at a time, combination homeopathic medicines (more than 1 ingredient) are commonly used in our increasingly polluted world for our complex health problems whether seasonal or chronic.  Since there are no side effects with homeopathy, remedies can be safely combined, working together to strengthen and support organs to speed up the body’s response and recovery.

Homeopathics are based on the principle of “Like Cures Like,” and the smallest particle size that will obtain results and that will treat like challenges in the body, kind of like allergy shots. According to Dr. Hahnemann, the founding father of homeopathy, “Each individual case of disease is most surely, radically, rapidly, and permanently annihilated and removed only by a medicine capable of producing (in the human system) the most similar and complete manner of the totality of the symptoms.” In other words, the same substance that in large doses produces the symptoms of an illness, in very minute doses relieves it.**

Homeopathic medicine remedies are prepared through a process of diluting with pure water or alcohol and succussing (vigorous shaking). According to the principles of homeopathy, the more diluted it gets, the more potent it becomes. Homeopathic remedies are regulated and manufactured under strict quality controls by the United States Food and Drug Administration-FDA.

The More Dilute the Remedy, the Greater Its Potency

Most people believe that the higher the dose of a medicine, the greater the effect. But the opposite holds true in homeopathic medicine where the more a substance is diluted, the higher its potency.  Dr. Hahnemann discovered this Law of Infinitesimal Dose by experimenting with higher and higher dilutions of substances to avoid toxic side effects.

More and more people are turning to homeopathic natural home remedies because they have tried orthodox (conventional/allopathic) medicine and it has either failed them completely or they have had to cope with unpleasant or even serious side effects from these drugs.

Others have felt tired and below par for a long period of time, sometimes even for many years and their symptoms often precede a more serious disorder or condition, but despite many tests  it has not been possible for a diagnosis to be made for them.

Since homeopathic helps the individual as a whole, rather than just the disease, it is possible to help people successfully who feel very ill or who are in pain with unpleasant symptoms, but for whom there is no allopathic/orthodox diagnosis as yet.

Homeopathy can help prevent the onset of many serious conditions.  Many factors contribute to the disorder (e.g. toxic chemicals we are exposed to in day to day life, weaknesses or predispositions/inherited diseases, as well as any number of physical and emotional stresses. All these factors may result in the body`s natural healing powers failing.  The body simply runs out of the energy to heal itself.  Here is where the homeopathic remedy acts as a stimulus which boosts this energy and assists in the healing process.

Herbal Pharmacy

Homeopathic Medicine utilizing herbs have been used for centuries by ancient Chinese, Greek, and Egyptian civilizations to treat disease and promote health. Records of the first herbal prescriptions in China, date back to the third century and have been regularly updated since then. Much of our modern pharmaceuticals were originally derived from herbal sources.

Chinese herbal medicines differ from Western drugs in two important ways.

The first way is the intent. Contrary to Homeopathic Medicine, many Western drugs use a single biologically active compound to treat symptoms verses the root cause. Even drugs designed to treat underlying problems rarely restore optimum functioning to the body. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on a completely different model. Because TCM endeavors to diagnose and treat the underlying imbalances that are keeping the body from its fullest expression of health, Chinese herbs are prescribed not mitigate symptoms but to treat their causes.

The second difference is the medication itself. The potency of drugs produces side effects. Herbs contain natural energetic substances whose essence gently corrects underlying deficiencies or removes obstructions. The synergy of these substances produces their potent effects. The active ingredients are buffered by the whole plant and blended with other herbs, reducing their side effects. If you look at the composition of most Western medications at the molecular level, it’s easier to understand some of the problems that can arise when we try to apply these chemical substances in the natural environment of the body.

In the West, we are very concerned about research and much research has been done on the “active” ingredients contained within a herb. This myopic technique of validating whether something is effective does not take into account the whole function of the herb or its action when blended into a prescription. Herbs, when prescribed by a knowledgeable TCM doctor are completely safe and very effective.