Adrenal Fatigue Chronic Acute Stress Response Blood Pressure Heart Rate Traffic Jam Work Related Stressors Natural Medicine Center Lakeland

Adrenal Fatigue – Chronic Stress Response

Adrenal fatigue is a collection of symptoms which develop when the adrenal glands are unable to function at their optimum level. Though it usually develops after periods of prolonged stress, adrenal fatigue can occur after severe infections.

Why does Adrenal Fatigue occur?

Everyone has stress in their life.  As humans we developed the natural Fight or Flight reaction to our environment long ago.  It’s base function is to kept us safe.  Although most people don’t encounter predators such as tigers and alligators – unless you are on a reality TV show, this Fight or Flight was the brain’s trigger to get out of harms way.

Fight or Flight Stress Response Lion Chasing Man Adrenal Fatigue Understanding Stressing Issues and Remedies Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

In today’s modern world stressors can come in many forms such as:

  • Getting the kids fed, dressed and off to school in time
  • The roadway traffic jams on our way to work
  • Balancing work and family life – shuffling kids to sports practice and the many other activities to keep our kids growing and engaged
  • Interpersonal relationship struggles be it marriage issues, extended family or at the office
  • Health concerns – Dealing with personal or family ill health, disease / cancer.  Losing a loved one (human or pet)
  • Financial concerns – loosing a job, taxes, buying a new car, having an accident, getting a traffic / speeding ticket, buy / selling / losing a home
  • Major life events such as getting married, getting divorced, buying / selling a home, new job or losing a job

Work Stressors Chronic Stress Adrenal Fatigue Family Balance Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Check out: Beat Your Stress Hormone – 9 Natural Ways

Adrenal Fatigue Phases

The body’s stress response is characterized by the following three phases:

Phase 1 – Alarm Phase

This first phase of the body’s response to stress which is also known as the acute stress response, develops when the person encounters something that they perceive as a threat. The adrenal glands release stress hormones like adrenaline which prepares the person to fight or flee from the source of stress.

As a result of the secretion of adrenaline, the blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate increase and the blood is shunted from the digestive system and taken to the muscles in the hands and legs.

This type of stress can be caused by everyday occurrences like arguments and traffic jams. After the person deals with the stressful situation the body recovers and the hormones that were elevated return to their normal levels within 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Phase 2 – Resistance Phase

This second phase develops when the person is exposed to continued stress–which forces the body to respond before it recovers completely from the first stressful event. The adrenal glands also respond by secreting stress hormones like cortisol.

The release of cortisol also results in elevated blood pressure and heart rate as well as craving carbohydrates to provide the body with a source of energy.

Other symptoms that may be experienced by patients in this phase include irritability, malaise, anxiety, depression, low libido, difficulty sleeping and concentrating.

Phase 3 – Exhaustion Phase

This third phase is also known as adrenal fatigue. Here, essentially, burnout develops because the person has been exposed to stress for a long time. The body loses its ability to cope with the stressful event since the adrenal glands cannot keep up with the signals sent by the nervous system to release hormones.

Symptoms associated with this stage include extreme fatigue and difficulties completing everyday activities. During this stage other body organs begin to suffer the effects of continued stress on the body. This results in the development or aggravation of stress related illnesses like high blood pressure, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Coffee Blue Berries Avocado Body Regeneration Holistic Nutrition Natural Healing Medicine Lakeland Central Florida

Body Regeneration with Nutritional Whole Foods

It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but humans are in a  default state of ceaseless body  regeneration.  Without this flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the body – life and death ceaselessly intertwined – the miracle of the human body would not exist.

Cultivating diets, lifestyles and attitudes which promote body regeneration can interrupt the circuit of disease and help us to attain a healthy freedom that liberates the human mind, body, soul and spirit.

In times of illness, however, body’s regenerative processes are overcome by degenerative ones. This is where medicine may perform its most noble feat, nudging the body back into balance with foods, herbs, nutrients, healing energies, i.e. healing intention. Today, however, isolationist pharmaceutical drug-based medicine invariably uses chemicals that have not one iota of body regenerative potential.  To the contrary, they almost always interfere with body’s self-renewal in order to suppress the symptoms – masking verses healing.

Body Regeneration Eating Whole Fruit and Vegetables Vitamins Minerals Fiber Health Restoration Weight Loss Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Great fresh produce found at reasonable prices at the Lakeland Downtown Saturday Curb Market and the Auburndale Flea Market Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Western Medicine that is at best a few hundred years old and was founded on natural medicine yet have lost its way due to corporate need to isolate compounds, synthesize and patent fragmented aspects nature.  This model completely ignores the body as a whole and nature as a whole.  A simple example is we all know vitamin C is good for us.  We could take an isolated vitamin C pill and we would benefit from it.  However, within fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, clementines, grapefruit), chili peppers, red and green bell peppers, kale, broccoli, papaya, strawberries, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, pine apple and kiwi, mango.  Eating these fruits and vegitables whole provide not only the vitamin C but also complementary beneficial vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, fiber and so much more.  Not to mention the pleasure of eating wonderful tasting fresh deliciousness.

Beta-Cell Regeneration – Unfortunately, the medical community has yet to harness the diabetes-reversing potential of natural compounds. Whereas expensive stem cell therapies, islet cell transplants, and an array of synthetic drugs in the developmental pipeline are the focus of billions of dollars of research, annually, our kitchen cupboards and backyards may already contain the long sought-after cure for type 1 diabetes. The following compounds have been demonstrated experimentally to regenerate the insulin-producing beta cells, which are destroyed in insulin dependent diabetes, and which once restored, may (at least in theory) restore the health of the patient to the point where they no longer require insulin replacement.

  1. Gymenna Sylvestre (“the sugar destroyer”)
  2. Nigella Sativa (“black cumin”)
  3. Vitamin D – critical in a huge amount of human hormones.  Naturally it comes from exposure to the sun.
  4. Curcumin (from the spice Turmeric)
  5. Arginine
  6. Avocado
  7. Berberine (found in bitter herbs such as Goldenseal and Barberry)
  8. Bitter Melon
  9. Chard (yes, the green leafy vegetables)
  10. Corn Silk
  11. Stevia
  12. Sulforaphane (especially concentrated in broccoli sprouts)
Body Regenerative Health Regeneration Foods Turmeric Curcumin Holistic Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Turmeric is a mild flavored spice that’s easy to incorporate into recipes – spaghetti sauces and so much more – that is responsible for the Curcumin Pain Relieving supplements.

Nerve Regeneration – There are actually a broad range of natural compounds with proven nerve-regenerative effects. A 2010 study published in the journal Rejuvenation Research, for instance, found a combination of blueberry, green tea and carnosine have neurogenic (i.e. promoting neuronal regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease. [1] Other researched neurogenic substances include:

  1. Curcumin (from the spice Turmeric)
    1. Over 100 recipes with Turmeric at
    2. Check out the “Fighting PMS with Turmeric” article
  2. Lion’s Mane Mushroom
  3. Apigenin (compound in vegetables like celery)
  4. Blueberry
  5. Ginseng – thinly slice some and add hot water for a refreshing tea that’s easy to drink all day.  Add ice if you like and some lemon.
  6. Huperzine
  7. Natto
  8. Red Sage (Danshen)
  9. Resveratrol
  10. Royal Jelly
  11. Theanine (found in Green Tea)
  12. Ashwaganda
  13. Coffee (trigonelline)

There is another class of nerve-healing substances, known as remyelinating compounds, which stimulate the repair of the protective sheath around the axon of the neurons known as myelin, and which is often damaged in neurological injury and/or dysfunction, especially autoimmune and vaccine-induced demyelination disorders.  It should also be noted that even music and falling in love have been studied for possibly stimulating neurogenesis, regeneration and/or repair of neurons, indicating that regenerative medicine does not necessary require the ingestion of anything; rather, a wide range of therapeutic actions may be employed to improve health and well-being, as well.

Liver RegenerationGlycyrrhizin, a compound found within licorice, and which we recently featured as a powerful anti-SARS virus agent,  has also been found to stimulate the regeneration of liver mass and function in the animal model of hepatectomy. Other liver regenerative substances include:

  1. Carvacrol (a volatile compound in oregano)
  2. Curcumin
  3. Korean Ginseng
  4. Rooibos
  5. Vitamin E

Cardiac Cell Regeneration – Not too long ago, it was believed that cardiac tissue was uniquely incapable of being regenerated. A new, but rapidly growing body of experimental research now indicates that this is simply not true, and there is a class of heart-tissue regenerating compounds known as neocardiogenic substances.  Neocardiogenic substances are able to stimulate the formation of cardiac progenitor cells which can differentiate into healthy heart tissue, and they include the following:

  1. Resveratrol
  2. Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero)
  3. Red Wine Extract
  4. Geum Japonicum
  5. N-acetyl-cysteine

Another remarkable example of cardiac cell regeneration is what is known as fetomaternal trafficking of stem cells through the placenta. There is an amazing process known as “fetal microchimerism” by which the fetus contributes stem cells to the mother which are capable of regenerating her damaged heart cells, and possibly a wide range of other cell types.

Hormone Regeneration – there are secretagogues, which increase the endocrine glands’ ability to secrete more hormone, and there are substances that truly regenerate hormones which have degraded (by emitting electrons) into potentially carcinogenic “transient hormone” metabolites. One of these substances is vitamin C. A powerful electron donor, this vitamin has the ability to contribute electrons to resurrect the form and function of estradiol (estrogen; E2), progesterone, testosterone, for instance. [2] In tandem with foods that are able to support the function of glands, such as the ovaries, vitamin C may represent an excellent complement or alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

Cartilage/Joint/Spine RegenerationCurcumin and resveratrol have been shown to improve recovery from spinal cord injury.   Ultimately, regenerative medicine threatens to undermine the very economic infrastructure that props up the modern, drug-based and quite candidly degenerative medical system. Symptom suppression is profitable because it guarantees both the perpetuation of the original underlying disease and the generation of an ever-expanding array of additional, treatment-induced symptoms.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

[1] NT-020, a natural therapeutic approach to optimize spatial memory performance and increase neural progenitor cell proliferation and decrease inflammation in the aged rat. Rejuvenation Res. 2010 Jun 29. Epub 2010 Jun 29. PMID: 20586644

[2] Photo-induced regeneration of hormones by electron transfer processes: Potential biological and medical consequences. Radiat Phys Chem Oxf Engl 1993. Updated 2011 Aug ;80(8):890-894. PMID: 21814301

Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine – The New Medical Model

The Homeopathic Medicine Model is a departure from the “push a pharmaceutical pill” drug-based approach of contemporary Western conventional medicine.  The Homeopathic Medicine approach treats the whole patient and utilizes natural herbs, plants and remedies along with lifestyle and diet / nutritional changes to enable optimal health.

Based on new discoveries, it addresses the primary causes of illness rather than treating symptoms alone. The New Medical Model also focuses on restoring the body’s own innate healing mechanisms to naturally restore immune function, detoxification capacity, and mind-body communication for enhanced mood, cognition, and well-being.

Homeopathic Medicine

Modern homeopathy, which could also be described in part as micro-dose pharmacology, can have a significantly positive impact on reprogramming the neuro-immune-endocrine axis that in large part is responsible for regulating mood, emotions, detoxification capacity, and our health in general.Homeopathic Medicine Herbs Holistics Herbal Alternative Nature Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

 Homeopathic micro doses of cytokines, hormones, and neurotransmitters, at the same concentrations as found in the cell, and specific homeopathic remedies, can be used to balance the function of the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems without the side effects associated with stronger drugs.

Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine that takes advantage of water’s capacity to store information. Our bodies are roughly seventy percent water and that water acts as a communication medium as well as a source of hydration. The information that water stores is in the form of resonant frequencies, or vibrations that serve as a form of cellular communication. While our bodies communicate with nerve signals and chemical messengers, the most efficient form of communication in the body is energetic, or frequency based. Stress, toxicity, and trauma have a way of interfering with and deregulating normal frequency based communication resulting in symptoms, loss of normal mind-body functioning, and if not addressed in a timely fashion, ultimately disease states.

With homeopathy, new frequency based information can be introduced to the body through the use of appropriate remedies. The restorative frequencies that are carried in the remedies support cellular communication in returning to normal. As balance is restored on a cellular level, symptoms generated during the imbalanced state begin the process of resolution.

Why Choose the Homeopathic Medicine Approach

  • 100% NaturalHomeopathic Medicine Herbal Bottle Healing Holistic Health Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida
  • No drug interactions
  • Non-habit forming
  • They can be taken by nearly anyone at any time, from children to adults.
  • Effective for Acute and Chronic Illness
  • High margin of safety
  • No side effects
  • Inexpensive
People are turning to natural homeopathic medicine remedies for common ailments.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prescription drugs are killing more people than illicit drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. In fact, every 14 minutes a person dies from prescription drug overdose. This equates to more than 35,000 deaths (2011 data) each year and is actually more than homicides, suicides and car crashes., a natural health website, and even the London Guardian call this phenomenon “Pharmageddon” because it appears that medicines and medicine produce more ill-health than health.

In a world where most of the chronic diseases are caused by a lack of physical exercise, poor diet, toxic food ingredients and nutritional deficiencies, prevention could very well be the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of healing that uses remedies made with very small amounts of natural substances from the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms to stimulate the body’s ability to heal.

While Classical homeopathic medicine assists the individual one ingredient (remedy) at a time, combination homeopathic medicines (more than 1 ingredient) are commonly used in our increasingly polluted world for our complex health problems whether seasonal or chronic.  Since there are no side effects with homeopathy, remedies can be safely combined, working together to strengthen and support organs to speed up the body’s response and recovery.

Homeopathics are based on the principle of “Like Cures Like,” and the smallest particle size that will obtain results and that will treat like challenges in the body, kind of like allergy shots. According to Dr. Hahnemann, the founding father of homeopathy, “Each individual case of disease is most surely, radically, rapidly, and permanently annihilated and removed only by a medicine capable of producing (in the human system) the most similar and complete manner of the totality of the symptoms.” In other words, the same substance that in large doses produces the symptoms of an illness, in very minute doses relieves it.**

Homeopathic medicine remedies are prepared through a process of diluting with pure water or alcohol and succussing (vigorous shaking). According to the principles of homeopathy, the more diluted it gets, the more potent it becomes. Homeopathic remedies are regulated and manufactured under strict quality controls by the United States Food and Drug Administration-FDA.

The More Dilute the Remedy, the Greater Its Potency

Most people believe that the higher the dose of a medicine, the greater the effect. But the opposite holds true in homeopathic medicine where the more a substance is diluted, the higher its potency.  Dr. Hahnemann discovered this Law of Infinitesimal Dose by experimenting with higher and higher dilutions of substances to avoid toxic side effects.

More and more people are turning to homeopathic natural home remedies because they have tried orthodox (conventional/allopathic) medicine and it has either failed them completely or they have had to cope with unpleasant or even serious side effects from these drugs.

Others have felt tired and below par for a long period of time, sometimes even for many years and their symptoms often precede a more serious disorder or condition, but despite many tests  it has not been possible for a diagnosis to be made for them.

Since homeopathic helps the individual as a whole, rather than just the disease, it is possible to help people successfully who feel very ill or who are in pain with unpleasant symptoms, but for whom there is no allopathic/orthodox diagnosis as yet.

Homeopathy can help prevent the onset of many serious conditions.  Many factors contribute to the disorder (e.g. toxic chemicals we are exposed to in day to day life, weaknesses or predispositions/inherited diseases, as well as any number of physical and emotional stresses. All these factors may result in the body`s natural healing powers failing.  The body simply runs out of the energy to heal itself.  Here is where the homeopathic remedy acts as a stimulus which boosts this energy and assists in the healing process.

Herbal Pharmacy

Homeopathic Medicine utilizing herbs have been used for centuries by ancient Chinese, Greek, and Egyptian civilizations to treat disease and promote health. Records of the first herbal prescriptions in China, date back to the third century and have been regularly updated since then. Much of our modern pharmaceuticals were originally derived from herbal sources.

Chinese herbal medicines differ from Western drugs in two important ways.

The first way is the intent. Contrary to Homeopathic Medicine, many Western drugs use a single biologically active compound to treat symptoms verses the root cause. Even drugs designed to treat underlying problems rarely restore optimum functioning to the body. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on a completely different model. Because TCM endeavors to diagnose and treat the underlying imbalances that are keeping the body from its fullest expression of health, Chinese herbs are prescribed not mitigate symptoms but to treat their causes.

The second difference is the medication itself. The potency of drugs produces side effects. Herbs contain natural energetic substances whose essence gently corrects underlying deficiencies or removes obstructions. The synergy of these substances produces their potent effects. The active ingredients are buffered by the whole plant and blended with other herbs, reducing their side effects. If you look at the composition of most Western medications at the molecular level, it’s easier to understand some of the problems that can arise when we try to apply these chemical substances in the natural environment of the body.

In the West, we are very concerned about research and much research has been done on the “active” ingredients contained within a herb. This myopic technique of validating whether something is effective does not take into account the whole function of the herb or its action when blended into a prescription. Herbs, when prescribed by a knowledgeable TCM doctor are completely safe and very effective.


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