Woman looking at neuroptimal imaging on tablet while getting tested

What is Neurofeedback?

A brain-based form of biofeedback is called Neurofeedback.  Neurofeedback began trending in modern societies since early in the 1990’s.

Why? Portable devices with multiple electrodes provided this treatment option in community and outpatient settings.

How does it work?  The electrodes make a ‘realtime’ study of unique neural clusters (or brain organelle) possible across different hemispheres or regions of the wired patient’s brain.

The text printed above might seem complicated, but you will discover if you attend our free seminar that NeurOptimal session wiring is simple and painless.

Why should you attend this seminar?  Well, controversy abounds over the correct definition for disorders like the following: (i) Autism,  (ii) ADHD, (iii) PTSD, (iv) Anxiety, and (v) Depression.

The seminar Dr Catherine Onuoha will present on March 14th, 2019 pushes media controversies aside and sets a distinct occasion to talk about symptom resolution—regardless of the causal root!  Dr Catherine Onuoha will describe our powerful Neurofeedback technology.  She will share data that reveals efficacy in a full array of psychiatric conditions.  It is true that controversy in this field of psychiatric study will continue….but a mutual truth is that NeurOptimal sessions are available immediately to lessen any patient’s symptoms.  Please come to the Natural Medicine Center on Thursday March 14th at 6:30 PM to learn how.

Event Details:

March 14, 2019

Location: 315 Doris Dr. Lakeland, FL 33813

Time: 6:30PM

Price: Free

Hosted by: Dr. Catherine Onuoha


Neurofeedback therapy is a relaxing and universally beneficial type of brain training that can both improve overall mental functioning and peak performance as well as be used to help with a number of different psychological disorders such as Depression, ADHD/ADD, Insomnia, Anxiety, Chronic Stress, and others.  Neurofeedback is effective on such a wide range of issues because it addresses the underlying brain wave imbalance that all these disorders share.  While Neurofeedback  is still not a common or very well known practice, it has been in use since the 1960’s when it was discovered as a way of drastically reducing seizure frequency; since this discovery, NASA has even integrated Neurofeedback as a part of their astronaut training protocol.

Below is a list of conditions which Neurofeedback has been found effective for:

  • Anxiety

  • ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder)/ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

  • Epilepsy

  • Depression

  • Early Onset Alzheimers

  • Insomnia

  • Chronic Stress

  • Alcohol/Drug Addiction Recovery

  • PTSD

  • Migraines

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Neurofeedback for ADHD

In 2016 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 6.1 million children (nearly 10% of the children in the United States) have been diagnosed with ADHD and the most common treatment  taken for ADHD by far is stimulant medication (1).  While stimulants can help patients function and focus in the short term, they often come with many side effects and do not address any of the underlying issues of ADHD.

One of the reasons why people with ADHD have difficulty focusing is because their brain is producing too many beta waves.  While beta waves generally help us with focus and concentration, when there is too much beta it becomes difficult for the person to focus on any one thing and very easy for them to be distracted by something new.  Through neurofeedback, the client’s brain begins to be able to recognize that it is over producing beta waves and start training itself to have more balanced brain wave activity.

Alleviating symptoms of ADHD is one of the most common and documented uses of Neurofeedback.  In 2017 a meta-analysis on the effects of Neurofeedback on ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorder in adults showed significant improvement nearly universally in the Neruofeedback groups when compared to the control groups (2).   One of the main benefits of using Neurofeedback for ADHD or other disorders is that is virtually risk free and will have no counter or negative reactions with any other form of medication or treatment.  In fact, time and again studies have shown that traditional treatments are more effective when in conjunction with sessions of Neurofeedback.

Below is a graph from The Neuro Development Center showing significant improvements in a patient’s ADHD symptoms.

For a first hand account of the benefits that Neurofeedback can bring someone with ADHD, please watch the video below:

Neurofeedback for Substance Abuse/Addiction Recovery

Another major application of Neurofeedback has been assisting the recovery of those who have been addicted  to harmful substances such as alcohol and prescription or recreational drugs.  In 2014 the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that over 20 million Americans had struggled with substance abuse that year (3).  The effects of continued substance abuse (especially alcohol) makes it very difficult for the substance  abuser to change their patterns of thinking or behavior, even if they recognize their own self destructive tendencies.  Neurofeedback can act as a ‘change-agent’ lending empowerment to a substance abuser, and fostering sobriety or rehabilitation.

Those with a history of substance abuse often feel like they have little choice or control over their life.  Neurofeedback helps clients to gain control of their life; patients who complete 10 or more sessions of Neurofeedback experience a greater ability to control and regulate their thoughts and emotions.  Once clients achieve a greater control  over their own thoughts, it becomes much easier for them to take that control and agency in to the rest of their life.

Substances such as alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepines produce feelings of pleasure through the production of Dopamine.  While Dopamine can be produced naturally through physical activity such as running, an excess of Dopamine has a number of negative effects such as agitation, lowered attention span, and irritability.   It has also been shown that addiction causes structural changes in the brain which can be very difficult to remedy.  Neurofeedback helps show the brain that it doesn’t need the coveted drug to function and that the person can achieve calm and happiness while sober.

While Neurofeedback alone can’t cure addiction, it is a powerful tool in the recovery process.

Neurofeedback through Neuroptimal® 

At The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland, the Neurofeedback system we use is NeurOptimal®  Advanced Brain Training System developed by the Zengar Institute in Canada.  NeurOptimal® is designed to bring balance to clients’ brain waves by providing instantaneous audio feedback whenever erratic brain wave activity is detected.  These little skips in the music prompt the brain to reorganize its activity and move to a more coherent state of functioning.  Essentially, the system provides your brain with a mirror so it can see how it is functioning and learn where to change and improve.

The reason that Doctors at the Natural Medicine chose NeuorOptimal®, over alternate Quantitative EEG systems is because NeurOptimal®  is exceptionally safe and non-invasive.  Because no ‘current’ is infused, we aren’t forcing any changes in your brain or perturbing body chemistry!  NeurOptimal®  produces no major negative side-effects and can easily be added to any pharmacotherapeutic or counseling regimen.

A session of Neurofeedback includes having five harmless metal sensors placed on the clients scalp and ears while they actively watch and listen to the programs audio and visuals for a little over half an hour.

For a brief explanation on how NeurOptimal®  works, please watch the short animated video below:

Neurofeeedback Rates:

Session Bundles – 5 sessions for $325 or 10 sessions for $600

Individual Sessions – $70

Senior Citizen Discount (Over 55) – $65 per session


1. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html

2.Van Doren, J., Arns, M., Heinrich, H. et al. Sustained effects of neurofeedback in ADHD: a systematic review

and meta‑analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2018).

3.  https://americanaddictioncenters.org/rehab-guide/addiction-statistics

For even more on Neurofeedback and NeurOptimal® , please follow the links below to see some Facebook live videos and blog posts that we have created.

Facebook Live Videos:


Blog Posts:




ADHD Natural Treatment Nutrition Vitamins Essential Oils Holistic Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

ADHD Natural Treatment Approaches

ADHD Natural Treatment Approaches are a great way to reduce or eliminate prescription drugs that you or your child takes.  Even if your child has not been formally diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder but you suspect it, you may use these natural approaches which for the most part are just good nutrition.

State-based Prevalence Data of ADHD Diagnosis (2011-2012)- Children EVER diagnosed with ADHD

State-based Prevalence Data of ADHD Diagnosis (2011-2012): Children EVER diagnosed with ADHD – Source US CDC

ADHD at times might appear pandemic due to the ever increasing rise in diagnosis.  From the CDC infographic on the right you can see that Florida has had 11.1 – 13% of its population officially diagnosed with ADHD as of their 2012 report.  Boys are diagnosed with ADHD at a much higher rate than girls.

So from this – KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Most ADHD persons are either auditory (listening) or  kinetic (hands on) learners.  They naturally are wired to jump in and get physically involved with their environment.  So sitting still in a classroom all day is simply against their nature.

Remember, it actually was not long ago that humans were hunters and gatherers.  It was even more recent that the average person toiled away in fields.  Modern life is actually counter-intuitive to our biology.  We are very complex beings with incredible intellectual abilities and potential, but that big brain is connected to a body that is fundamentally designed to PHYSICALLY WORK.  Sitting behind a desk all day IS NOT NATURAL for anyone let alone a young child.

Schedule your appointment to get individual Prescription Drug Counseling to review your / child’s specific ADHD needs, current medications and a natural treatment plan.

Do You Want to Feel Better?

ADHD Natural Treatment Approaches

Lots of Physical Play, Limited TV / iPad and Family Engagement

Be sure your child has plenty of physical activity.  When our son seems a bit hyped up he runs laps around the back yard.  Today there is too little time spent on active play and too much time spent with tablets / iPads.  Sure some cognitive ability can be developed with games but for an active child the physical action is absolutely necessary.  When I was a child my mother had a rule we lived by.

After school or during the summer we were outside and didn’t go (weren’t allowed) back in unless we were thirsty, hungry, needed to us the bathroom or was bleeding.

We were required to use our imagination and play outside.  We were each allowed one TV show (I had two sisters so that meant we all could watch 3 shows – each could choose one).  In our home now we use internet based TV, so via HULU, our 7-year-old son watches “The Brady Bunch.”  Sure he watches other shows too, but I find the simple, non-hyper well-written stories are great lessons.  We also strive to have family game night at least twice a week where we sit and build LEGO set, play cards, Connect Four,Trouble and many activities.  We are fortunate to have some kids his age on our block and they play outside for around 2-3 hours every day after school and up to 5 hours a day on the weekends.


Many diseases can be avoided and often corrected by a proper healthy diet.  ADHD persons tend to be drawn to carbohydrates which spike the blood sugar levels sending their brains into a hyperactive mode.  So limit carbohydrates, specifically glutens and sugar in any form even artificial sweeteners and caffeine.

When the blood sugar drops their ability to focus is lost.  It’s like a roller coaster of brain activity cranking up and plummeting down.

Ensure the ADHD person is getting enough protein across animal, eggs legume (beans), nuts and dairy (avoiding any allergies).  Also high fiber in the form of fresh fruit and veggies.  These provide sustainable carbs and loads of vitamins and nutrients in their whole natural form.  If you’d like to save a bit be sure to check out the Lakeland Downtown Curb Market and the Auburndale Flea Market’s Produce isle.  I’ve found Sunday between 2 – 4pm at the Auburndale Market the be the lowest prices as vendors slash prices before their last hour of sale.  I find I save around 40 – 60% off product compared to local grocery stores.


Naturally it would be ideal to obtain all the vitamins and mineral needed for optimal health and function from the foods we eat. But having kids ourselves we realize that getting kids to eat everything they should is a challenge.  This list is not an exhaustive listing of what your child should have for total health, rather it is featuring those that can play a key role in managing and reducing symptoms of ADHD.  The good news is that is is extremely difficult to overdoses on vitamins.  The typical worst side effect is very yellow urine.

1. A quality B complex is essential for optimal energy and brain function.  It should include:

  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • B6
  • Folate
  • B12
  • Biotin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Choline (good to have)
  • PABA (good to have)

2. A quality D3 which our bodies naturally produce with exposure to the sun.  However most people do not get enough sunlight so supplementing is a good idea.  D3 is the precursor – the building block – to a large number of hormones.  Without it our body is deprived of optimal health and function.

3. A good Probiotic which will assist immunity, food break down into usable and digestible component.  This could be Kefer or yogurt or fermented foods such as sour kraut for a natural source.

4. Good sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acid.   Fish oil is better than Ritalin for ADHD, according to a study from the University of Adelaide in Australia. The omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, within fish oil are critical for brain function and are also strong anti-inflammatories.  So we recommend:

  1. Fish Oil
  2. Flax Seed Oil

Know that Flax Seed oil supplements need to be refrigerated else it will degrade and may spoil.  Walnuts, Basil and Oregano are also source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids although small amounts but every bit helps.

5. Zinc – Children and adults with ADHD should supplement their diets with a high-quality zinc supplement. Low levels of zinc are associated with poor neurological function, poor attention and a variety of motor disorders.  Dark green leafy veggies and beans are great natural sources of Zinc.

Essential Oils

Vetiver Oil has been used in traditional medicine in South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa for thousands of years and is a native to India where it’s known as“oil of tranquility.”  It is the primary essential oil discussed with it come to management of ADHD back by Recent research which credits vetiver oil for treating symptoms of ADHD.  Along with other uses it’s also known to treat insomnia without drugs.

Cedar Wood Oil is likely the most ancient of all Essential Oils.  It helps to oxygenate the brain resulting in clearness of thought.  This come from the Cedar tree and is known to active the limbic region of the brain, which is responsible for balancing emotions and feelings.  It has a soothing effect, especially when diffused into the air.

To apply you may either add two drops of each to your hand and then rub on the child’s neck.  Alternatively, if you like you can make a mister by adding 30 drops of each to a small 2-ounce colored glass bottle with a mister spray top and adding filling with rubbing alcohol.  Just gently shake the bottle and provide 2 – 6 sprays on the neck, back and or chest while dressing.